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Abacus for kids

Writer's picture: Nazia MuzammilNazia Muzammil

Updated: Jul 3, 2023

Abacus is a simple calculating tool that has been used for thousands of years in various world cultures. Abaci are often used as educational aids to teach children how to count and perform basic math operations. They are also used in some cultures to keep scores in games or perform calculations in markets or other business settings.

History of Abacus

The abacus has a long and fascinating history, with evidence of its earliest relevance stretching back about two thousand years. It was used in Europe, China, and Russia centuries before the adaptation of the Hindu Arabic numeral system.

The Chinese abacus, also known as the suanpan, is the most well-known type. In Asia, merchants and dealers utilized it extensively to do financial computations. Although it is no longer widely utilized due to modern technology, it is used in some areas of the world as a teaching tool and a symbol of cultural history.

Today, abaci are utilized as teaching tools in many nations to assist young children in learning the fundamentals of arithmetic. Children may find it simpler to comprehend math ideas thanks to the tactile and visual aspects of the abacus

Why learning abacus is essential:

Children inherently love math, as the sense of accomplishment in solving mathematical equations is unparalleled. However, as they grow older, their interest in math declines and they may experience anxiety about long computations and the possibility of an incorrect answer. This will negatively impact their overall performance. Fortunately, introducing the abacus can prevent this struggle. By mastering the skill of fast and accurate calculations, children gain confidence and renewed interest in math. Moreover, using the abacus enhances multiple senses such as visual and tactile senses, and memory power, facilitating the overall development of the brain while empowering children to excel in mathematics.

Why learning abacus
Why learning abacus is essential

About the device:

The abacus is a rectangular wooden frame with vertical rods, strung with beads running through it. Additionally, it has a horizontal rod dividing it into smaller upper and larger lower parts. The upper part of the vertical rod has one bead, whereas the lower part has four beads. There are 13 vertical rods altogether.

The student moves the beads to count, and the beads are lined with felt on the inner side to prevent them from falling back. Since the function of the abacus is primarily tactile, it is especially useful for visually impaired individuals to learn and do calculations.

The Abacus course at Learner Circle

Our instructors are highly qualified, and they excel at communicating with and instructing young students. A well-designed curriculum is used to deliver the course.

The learner is first exposed to the various components and features of the apparatus. Once the child is familiar with how it works, mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are taught by sliding the beads across the bars.

The child soon starts solving complex problems with 5 to 6-digit numbers. Then the squares and cubes are introduced.

The speed and accuracy of calculations are constantly assessed by our tutors, and the children are motivated to perform better each time.

Once the child is proficient with operating the abacus, the device can be kept aside and calculations are done in the mind, by using the fingers to manipulate the beads in their imagination.

Children as young as 5 or 6 years can comfortably learn using the abacus by enrolling in our program.

Benefits of learning the Abacus:

The advantages of learning abacus are not limited to improved math calculations, but it has several other benefits which positively impact the overall development of a child’s personality. Listed below are some of the benefits.

Better mental math: Learning to use the Abacus makes it easier for students to visualize the math problem and carry out the calculation in their brains. With regular practice, the students can solve math problems with speed and accuracy, even without pen and paper to write it down. This can improve one’s academic performance or even be useful in everyday calculations.

Improved problem-solving skills: Learning to use an Abacus teaches students to solve problems methodically and systematically. This helps the child to develop the logistics to solve real-life issues, and not only mathematical ones.

Spatial awareness: An abacus is a physical tool that requires students to move beads in a rod, which improves their spatial awareness. Additionally, eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills are enhanced.

Increased confidence: Acquiring a new skill like learning the Abacus can help learners gain more self-assurance and self-worth. Learners can grow a sense of pride and accomplishment in their abilities.

Improved focus: When children perform calculations with the help of an abacus, they are required to listen carefully to the question, perform precise calculations, and quickly present the answer. This daily practice enhances the overall focus and cultivates their ability to observe fine details in any given situation.

Wholesome brain development: As the abacus requires the use of both right and left hands, it stimulates activity in both the hemispheres of the brain. This comprehensive use leads to the development of the whole brain.

Cultivates a passion for learning: A solid academic foundation stems from a child’s eagerness to learn and the opportunities presented to them. The use of this tool provides excellent support in developing a positive attitude towards learning, which in turn reduces stress levels. This results in happier learners who are better equipped to thrive throughout their academic journey.

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The advantages of having a child use an abacus in their academic work cannot be emphasized enough. In addition to strengthening mental maths skills, it also enhances focus, memory, and problem-solving capabilities. Children can learn more effectively and interactively using the abacus, which can improve their overall academic performance. Furthermore, by introducing kids to the abacus, we may foster in them a greater understanding of the importance and beauty of mathematics. A worthwhile investment in children's intellectual growth and academic achievement can thus be made by including the abacus in their academic courses.

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